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What did Social Media Say?

I wanted to put my foot in the water, and not knowing where to start, I dove into the deep end. My Question: Does our vote count? My...

Up To Date: An Interview with a Jehicob Torres

In this Episode of Up to Date, I visit with my friend Jehicob Torres and talk about the "American Way." Anchor Podcast: Interview with...

Taylor Wright: Just one in the midst of Millennial's

Millennial's seem to get a bad rap. Too many figures point towards them for the blame of 'mal-political practice.' “It’s their fault that...

Flash Memoir: A country built off Bribery

Friendships weren’t hard to come by in Argentina. I came to be close to many people every time I saw their smile emerge from under their...

Voting: The Dead Ritual

It seems people cannot express what is on their minds through only a vote. Nor can they all be represented because they cannot influence...

Articles: Blog2
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