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About the Author
I'm a born and raised Utah Native. I have recently celebrated my one year anniversary with my beautiful wife Lindsay, by welcoming our newborn son Lincoln to the world. I have grown up in a small town observing many local events and enjoying the feeling of a township in relation to living in a suburb of a big city. My wife and I have known each other for most of our lives seeing as how we grew up a few streets away from each other (although those streets were enough to keep the friendship at a minimum till we were in college). I spent 2 years of my life living in Argentina, sharing a religious message with the gauchos (cowboys) and platense's (city folk) of Buenos Aires.
For the majority of my life I have enjoyed learning about how things work, from toys to games, later to relationships and communities. As of late, I have been more interested in how the community of the Nation (the everyday people in the United States of America) effect how Government officials run the country. In short, I have wanted to see how much an average (or even extreme) citizen could do to their government.